The first magical weapons were probably created in the Hero Age. In this time of wonders, the children of the Spirits had great magical power. This power was used to create mighty castles, strange creatures and weapons and tools of legendary power.
These legendary artefacts may still exist in the Known World. Certainly, many a king has sent adventurers and mercenaries to seek these items of power. There are, however, other types of magical weapons in the world. Read more

Apart from the obvious exceptions that magic provides, the level of technology in the Known World is much like that of the Bronze age on Earth. Bronze (which is cast, not forged) is the most commonly used metal in weapons and armor. Iron is sometimes used, but has no real advantage over bronze. Steel (in the form of the white Albyan steel) is only produced by the Albyan Forgepriests, who guard their secrets well.

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