Apart from the obvious exceptions that magic provides, the level of technology in the Known World is much like that of the Bronze age on Earth. Bronze (which is cast, not forged) is the most commonly used metal in weapons and armor. Iron is sometimes used, but has no real advantage over bronze. Steel (in the form of the white Albyan steel) is only produced by the Albyan Forgepriests, who guard their secrets well.

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Albya is a land of hills and mist. It is sometimes said that the fog never lifts in Albya, but that is not true. That said, it is very common for fog to shroud the Albyan hills. Invading forces who are not prepared for this can get lost very easily in the thick fog – something the Albyans have always used to their advantage.
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Tolmeccia is a land of vast, open plains. Most Tolmeci live in simple huts and tents – as hunter-gatherers – always on the move. The great Northern River is the site for the few villages that the Tolmeci have built. These villages – and the mythical Tolmeci City-on-the-Lake are open and safe to all Tolemeci. Outside of the vilages, though, the Tolmeci tribes do raid each other. Occasionally there are even small wars between great tribes.

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